Toe Rings

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Add a playful touch to your style with chic toe rings. Perfect for summer vibes, these accessories enhance any look.

Buy Toe Rings Online

Africa’s largest online shopping destination, Bash, offers a wide range of finely crafted toe rings. Look through our line-up of eccentric toe rings online to add an elegant touch to your feet as you flaunt them in open-toe sandals. Fill your jewel boxes with these trendy toe rings to enhance the look of your freshly painted toenails.

Shop More Rings: Signet Rings | Promise Rings | Rose Gold Engagement Rings | Gold Wedding Rings

What is the Right Way to Wear a Toe Ring?

Toe finger rings have emerged as a unique accessory that should be in your collection when you want to sport a different look. However, it’s not as easy as wearing a finger ring, as the structure of the toes is slightly different from the fingers. Here is the right way to wear a toe ring.

  1. Find the Right Size: Toe rings are worn on the joint in the middle of the toe, so you should measure the size that would fit your toe.

  2. Cleanse and Moisturise Your Toes: Before wearing a toe ring, cleanse and moisturise your toes to avoid chafing and rashes. If needed, apply your nail paints and dry them prior.

  3. Wear the Toe Ring: Slide the toe ring over the toe pad and place them on the middle joint. Use a moisturising cream to slide the ring on your toe if the tip of the toe does not fit to slide on easily.

  4. Check the Fit: Toe rings will be set in two days if you plan on wearing them continuously for a while. After a couple of days, check if the ring fits your toe well without discomfort. If the ring is too loose or tight, change it immediately.

Shop Related Colours: Gold Engagement Rings | White Gold Engagement Rings | Black Diamond Engagement Rings | Silver Engagement Rings | Engagement Rings For Men | Sterling Silver Engagement Rings

Shop Related Styles: Moissanite Engagement Rings | Oval Engagement Rings | Princess Cut Engagement Rings | Sapphire Engagement Rings | Lab Created Diamond Engagement Rings | Engagement Solitaire Rings | Morganite Engagement Rings | Tanzanite Engagement Rings | Gemstone Engagement Rings | Round Cut Engagement Rings | Amethyst Engagement Rings

What Toes Do You Wear Toe Rings On?

Deciding what toe to wear your rings on can be confusing when you are unsure about the style you want. Here are some handy pointers:

  • Second Toe: Toe rings are mostly worn on the second toe of the foot. As the second toe is near the big toe, your gold and silver toe rings are more noticeable.

  • Third Toe: Wearing on the third or centre toe may be unusual compared to the second toe. Adding on a centre toe also gives a balanced view as the ring will be placed in the middle part of your feet.

  • Multiple Toes: Some may stop with one toe ring but wearing more than one makes you unique in the crowd. They can be worn on any toes, but sliding them into the second or centre toe gives you comfort and looks exclusive.

Shop By Gemstones: Tanzanite Rings | Diamond Rings | Moissanite Rings | Tugsten Rings | Sapphire Rings | Pearl Rings | Cubic Zicronia Rings | Opal Rings | Titanium Rings | Ruby Rings | Solitaire Rings | Amethyst Rings | Morganite Rings | Platinum Rings | Emerald Rings | Stainless Steel Rings | Aquamarine Rings

Shop for Trendy Toe Rings from Bash

Adding toe rings is the easiest way to enhance the beauty of your feet. Grab your favourite wedding rings from Bash for a unique, trendy appearance. We also house an array of authentic jewellery brands featuring rings for women, bracelets and bangles, among other accessories. Shop with us online to enjoy free shipping or opt for click and collect from 900+ stores in South Africa.

Shop By Gender: Rings for Men | Women's Engagement Rings | Men's Wedding Rings

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